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How we can help you 


The Victorian Medical Benevolent Association (VMBA) provides short term financial support in a time of crisis/need to medical practitioners, their immediate family and medical students in their final year who reside and/or practice in Victoria. Requests for assistance can be made by:

direct contact with the Association; family member, a medical colleague, the Victorian Doctor Health Program (VDHP) and/or AMA Board.


All requests for assistance are made to the VMBA's Client Manager (see contact details below).


The Client Manager will ascertain if the assistance is within the VMBA's constitution.


Before a request proceeds the client will be asked to complete an application form which includes assets, income and expenditure.


All request for assistance are discussed at the Committee meeting.


Outcomes from committee meetings are confidential. 


The VMBA does not provide urgent or emergency assistance. 


Further information on the VMBA support program can be had by contacting....


Client Manager 


Telephone : (03) 9496 4205
Mobile:  0476 473 058


Address: P. O. Box 141,

                Lower Plenty 

                3094 Victoria 


Privacy and Confidentiality 

All information submitted to the VMBA is treated in the strictest confidence and the applicants

privacy is paramount to the organisation. The VMBA is independent of all other professional government and regulatory organisations.

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