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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the VMBA?

The VMBA is a non-profit organisation that provides assistance to medical practitioners, their families and medical students in a time of crisis/need. The Association is run by a voluntary committee who are committed to supporting colleagues. 


How long has the VMBA existed?

The VMBA has been assisting medical practitioners of Victoria and their families since 1865. The history of the association has been documented by historians Emma Russell and Vicky Ryan from History@Work and a free copy from the VMBA is available on request.


Who does the VMBA help?

The VMBA assists Victorian medical practitioners, their families and medical students including those who have retired from the practice.


What help does the VMBA give to applicants?

Successful applicants may receive financial assistance and information about other services/organisations that may be able to assist. The VMBA is not a direct service provider.


How do I ask for help for myself, my family or a colleague?

All applicants will need to contact the Client Manager 0476 473 058 for a confidential discussion and complete an application form. 


How does the VMBA decide who to help?

All applications for assistance are presented to the VMBA Committee for a decision as to how best the VMBA may be of assistance to the applicant and/or their families, and to ensure financial resources are appropriately allocated . The VMBA committee meets bimonthly.

Is the VMBA a registered charity 

No the VMBA is a not - for - profit organisation committed to assisting the medical profession.


Who else might be able to help?
  • The Victorian Doctors Health Program (03) 9280 8712

  • Your General Practitioner 

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